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Starcity Games 5k Standard - St. Louis

Josh Hendricks
Friday, July 2, 2010

So here is a tournament report from an unknown Decatur native that took a rogue G/W build to the Star City Open in St. Louis. First off, here’s the deck I took with me.

Mythic Minus Blue
A Standard Deck by Josh Hendricks
4x Noble Hierarch
4x Lotus Cobra
3x Birds of Paradise
4x Knight of the Reliquary
4x Emeria Angel
4x Baneslayer Angel
3x Admonition Angel

2x Path to Exile

2x Day of Judgment

3x Elspeth, Knight Errant
2x Gideon Jura
4x Misty Rainforest
3x Arid Mesa
1x Verdant Catacombs
2x Marsh Flats
2x Stirring Wildwood
2x Sejiri Steppe
6x Forest
5x Plains

3x Dauntless Escort
3x Wall of Reverence
3x Quasili Pridemage
2x Pithing Needle
2x Thornling
1x Path to Exile
1x Day of Judgment

As you can see the list is fairly similar to a Mythic build. I simply decided that I didn’t want to play blue because I liked so many of the options in white and green. Here is a short explanation on some of my card choices.
The core of the mananbase/mana acceleration is similar to Mythic with a full set of Cobras and Hierarchs with 3 Birds of Paradise. The idea is to ramp quickly into tough threats. Nothing shocking here.
Speaking of threats I have a variety of them, including a full set of Baneslayers, Knights, and Emeria Angels. I think all of these guys are a pain to deal with and each can end a game quickly.
Elspeth and Gideon are both here for two reasons. The first is to enhance my army for bigger, flying beaters as well as kill creatures and remove blockers. The second reason is to have removal for the same planeswalkers in Super Friends, which is one of my worst matches.
I also have a limited amount of removal in 2 of each Path and Day. In the first few turns my opponents would think that I was running either Vengevine Naya or Mythic – neither of which run Day of Judgment.
So a few opponents would run out their hands with tons of critters only to be blindsided by a Day of Judgment! I also chose to run 2 Sejiri Steppe. Considering again that most Mythic builds have but one Sejiri Steppe, I felt I might catch some people off guard with the second copy.
However, the glaring threesome (heh heh) in my deck is Admonition Angel. This angel was a beast all day. I was never unhappy to see it and it almost always swung the game huge in my favor.

Round 1 vs. R/G/U Land Disruption
I wasn’t actually familiar with this deck, but I guess the idea is to play BBE’s into stuff like Spreading Seas and Resounding Wave to screw up my mana and then use Rolling Terrain to destroy the others. Game 1 he got off to a great start and managed to keep me down until a few BBE’s took me down. I was already lamenting my auspicious start and damning my bad luck of having to mulligan to six. Game 2 I get even more nonplussed as I stare down at a no-land hand. I mull to six and set off. An early Knight of the Reliquary followed by a Baneslayer finish him off fairly quickly. Game 3 I find myself mulliganing AGAIN, only this time to 5 cards. Despite the setback I manage to get the early Knight and another Baneslayer. I get in some beats and he finds a Resounding Wave for my angel, but it is only a temporary measure. I finish him off a turn later as he reveals a hand chocked full’O’land.
Match 2-1, Record 1-0

Round 2 vs. Eldrazi Green
This is a younger kid (maybe 14-15) and right away I can see his deck box has a huge green mana symbol plastered on it. I smile to myself and wonder if it’s a ruse. It’s not. Game 1 I can see that I am correct in my assumption as he leads out with a Llanowar Elf. I get out to a blazing start with Cobra and Knight. He plays an Awakening Zone on turn 3 followed by an Eldrazi Monument on turn 4. With three creatures in play and infinite sacrifices for his Monument I start to wonder if I have a way to deal with it main board. Then I topdeck an Admonition Angel and remember why I put them in there! I play the Admonition Angel followed by a Forest, remove the Monument and swing with the Baneslayer that was hanging out. Game 2 I board in 3 Quasili Pridemage but never see them and never need them as he gets off to a slow start and I finish him off in fast order. Then I start to wonder how he won his first round. This kid made more play errors than I could count and even pointed them out to me when I wouldn’t have noticed. Game two he played a first turn Forest, passed the turn, I played my first turn and passed, and then he showed me a Joraga Treespeaker and said, “Oh, I was supposed to play that on turn one!”
Match 2-0, Record 2-0

Round 3 vs. Jund
Oh the Jund Menace. After some playtesting I was fairly confidant against Jund so I went into this with good expectations. Game 1 I get the god draw and lead out with a Hierarch followed by Cobra, fetch land and Knight. Turn 3 the Walletslayer comes out and I am shocked when he doesn’t Terminate or Maelstrom Pulse it. He plays a Putrid Leach and passes the turn allowing me to untap my Knight, which is almost a guaranteed victory for me. I get one swing in and pass then turn. He plays a Sprouting Thrinax and passes the turn again. I rip a Sejiri Steppe and something occurs to me. He’ll think I’m playing some form of Bant and assume that I’m only running one Steppe. I figure if I play the Steppe, he’ll think it’s my only one and waste a removal spell on his turn. I play the Steppe and swing, then pass the turn. Sure enough he untaps and immediately taps two mana and announces his intention to Terminate my Baneslayer. I tap the Knight and grab my second Steppe and watch as his face turns to surprise. My plan worked exactly as I had hoped! Game 2 he mulligans to six, gets stuck on one land for a turn and I crush him in due fashion.
Match 2-0, Record 3-0

Round 4 vs. Time Sieve/Open the Vaults combo
I make my way to thetable and see a small, neat looking skinny kid and immediately assume he’s playing U/W of some sort. My inkling is confirmed when we roll the dice, shuffle up and he leads with an Island. He begins playing a pair of Howling Mines and I suspect that I’m up against some sort of combo deck. I play out a few early threats when I see a Time Sieve hit play and then I realize what’s going on. He gets stuck on five lands as I’m bringing the pain and just when I’m threatening lethal the next turn he sacks the Time Sieve, 2 Howling Mines, and 2 Prophetic Prisms to take an extra turn. He misses his sixth land drop again and opts to play Time Warp. He draws again, looks over his hand and I ask if I just got lucky, or if he got unlucky. He tells me he got unlucky and scoops. Game 2 I board in 2 Pithing Needle and 3 Quasili Pridemage hoping to disrupt him long enough for the win. I play out an early Needle naming Time Sieve and begin the ramp to victory. He plays two Borderposts and a turn later I play the Admonition Angel with a fetch in hand. I remove his 2 borderposts leaving him with a paltry 3 mana and proceed to the red zone.
Match 2-0, Record 4-0

Round 5 vs. Red Deck Wins
I lose the die roll (did I mention that I haven’t won a die roll yet?) He leads off with a first turn Goblin Guide and I start to wonder how good my game is against RDW as I didn’t test for it. I play a BOP which gets Searing Blazed the next turn followed by a Noble Hierarch
the next turn which also gets Searing Blazed. By the time I get Baneslayer Angel into play I’m at 3 life. He untaps and shows me the Lightning Bolt for the win. Game 2 I board in 3 Quasili Pridemage and 3 Wall of Reverence. While the Pridemages don’t directly have any effect on his deck, I felt it necessary to lower my curve as much as possible. Game 2 I get the Wall of Reverence plus Baneslayer thing going and he has no hope. Game 3 is much the same with one interesting note. He has Goblin Guide and Kargan Dragonlord on the table (no level counters), he taps out to Mark of Mutiny my Baneslayer Angel (I also have a Wall in play) and swings out. I block the Kargan, take 6 from the stolen Angel , 2 from the Goblin Guide (netting a land) and go to 3. He passes the turn and I get back my (now) 6/6 Angel. I play Elspeth, pump the Angel swing for 9…gain 9 and then gain 9 more when I pass the turn. Back to 21 life and he concedes the next turn. Makes me wish I had played Red Deck wins all day!
Match 2-1, Record 5-0

Round 6 vs. Mythic Conscription
This match was against Channel Fireball contributor John Penick. I guess he’s supposed to be a good player. Turns out he was. Game 1 I mulligan to six and lose the die roll…again. He gets an early Jace to start bouncing my Baneslayer, but at least he hasn’t pounded my face in with a +10/+1- trampler yet! His start is weird because he draws a ton of mana creatures and not a whole lot of gas. I get an Elspeth and start using Lotus Cobra
in the air to take care of his planeswalkers. After murdering 2 Jace and getting a few licks in he eventually sticks a Baneslayer Angel and starts getting to work on my life total. I’m at 6 just as he casts a second Baneslayer followed by a Knight of the Reliquary. I finally rip an answer in Admonition Angel and play it. I only have a Forest, so I plop it down and remove his Knight from the game knowing that it would mean the game if he stuck. He untaps and swings with both angels. I hate to lose my Admonition Angel at this point so I chump one with the birds and take the other five, dropping me to 1. I untap and draw a fetch land. Would have been prettier had I been at more than one life! I drop the fetch and remove one of his Baneslayers but I still need a flying blocker to deal with the other one. Thanks to exalted triggers his angel would be bigger than mine so although it pains me, I remove the 8 counters from my Elspeth and go ultimate! Feeling as though I can get back into this game I pass the turn. He rips a land, taps 8 mana and hard casts a Conscription on his Cobra. Even with a bunch of little indestructible dudes the trample damage is enough to finish me off. Arg, tight games! Game 2 I mulligan to 6 and look down at a one land hand with 2 mana dorks. I decide to keep as I am on the play and I have a Day of Judgment. Last game he played out tons of creatures and I figure he’ll do the same here and over extend into a crushing wrath effect. Boy was I wrong. He played a Noble Hierarch
and then started dropping planeswalkers! First comes Jace and the turn later he drops an Elspeth. I stumble on land drops and at least once he uses Jace to bounce my Birds of Paradise. This one is over before it begins and I get the first taste of match-loss.
Match 0-2, Record 5-1

Round 7 vs. Jund
I go into this match thinking, “ok, I’ve got one loss. If I can win the next 3, I can top 8.” After one land drop I can see that I’m up against Jund…and I am thrilled! I still believe this is a good match for me and play with confidence. The only problem with this matchup is he is not running Lightning Bolt main board in his Jund build. Instead he’s running 4 copies of Forked Bolt. I find out early as he Blood Braids into a Forked Bolt and offs my Noble Hierarch
and my Cobra. I’m finished off shortly thereafter. Game 2 I play out my mana dorks a little more cautiously and manage to stick a Baneslayer. I get in a couple of swings without him finding an answer, but eventually he gets a Bloodwitch and passes. I draw a Sejiri Steppe, play it, give the angel pro-black and swing in with an exalted trigger putting him at 6. Ok. Just need one more swing and I can force a game 3. He untaps and draws, then opts to swing with his Leech and Bloodwitch. SHIT! He drew a removal spell! There’s no way he would swing if he didn’t just draw removal! I untap and swing as my suspicions are confirmed with a doom blade. I still have 2 Noble Hierarch
and a Stirring Wildwood. If I can get him to swing with the Witch again, maybe I can topdeck an Elspeth or Thornling to put him down! On his turn he plays a Bloodbraid and cascades into another Forked Bolt! He offs my two Noble Hierarch
s and feel my chances starting to fade. I topdeck the Elspeth and realize that I don’t have enough mana to play her and activate my Stirring Wildwood. Dang! If only he had cascaded into ANYTHING but Forked Bolt. I play the planeswalker and make a soldier token which will be needed to block one of his attackers in order to stay alive. Of course Jund topdecks removal in the form of Deathmark and offs the soldier so he can swing for the win. God I hate Jund!
Match 0-2, Record 5-2

Round 8 vs. Super Friends
Now the wind is completely out of my sails as I realize that my hopes of a top 8 are completely dashed. However, I have faith as I can still win out for a chance at top 16 because my tiebreakers are amazing. Especially because John Penick is still undefeated.
I shuffle up for next opponent considering my next two matches “must wins.” Game 1 I keep a very suspect hand as I only have 1 land and 1 Birds of Paradise; however, as I have already mulliganed to 5 – I decide to give it a try. Well, it didn’t work out to well. I don’t see another mana as my opponent plays an early Jace followed by an Ajani Vengeant. I scoop before he can fateseal and see any of my deck and we shuffle up for game 2. Luckily, as he even admitted, he had no idea what I was playing and decided to sideboard as though I was playing Vengevine Naya. He was, of course, wrong. This game goes on for what feels like an eternity. I play a turn 3 Elspeth which gets O-ringed. I follow the next turn with a second Elspeth. He O-rings his O-ring to kill off both Elspeths. I manage to topdeck my third and final Elspeth and play it. He grimaces as I pass the turn and this Elspeth sticks for the entire game. My sideboard, which was altered on Friday night, includes 3 Dauntless Escort and 2 Pithing Needles and 2 Thornlings. I manage to needle his early Gideon and start beating face. I get him down to 3 life when he starts to stabilize and our games grinds down to a crawl. We both have many permanents and I’m just looking for the opportunity to punch some damage through but he has 3 Wall of Denial, 3 Seagate Oracle, a Jace, an Ajani, and a Gideon all on board. Not to mention a couple of Celestial Collonades and a metric assload of mana. With only four or so minutes left in the round I notice a judge standing behind my opponent. The Super Friends pilot is taking FOREVER on each of his turns so while he has his head down I look at the judge with raised eyebrows and point to my watch. He nods and begins to watch my opponent for slow play. I eventually rip a Day of Judgment and play it as a one-sided wrath thanks to Elspeth’s ultimate ability. That gives me enough room to swing for the win…on turn 3 of extra rounds!
Match 1-1, Record 5-2-1

Round 9 vs. Naya
This deck was more of a homebrew running Bloodbraids, Ajani Vengeants, Behemoth Sledge, Wooly Thoctars and Path to Exile. Neither of these games are close as Baneslayer backed by Knight of the Reliquary wins game 1 and in game 2 I remove 6 permanents with Admonition Angel. How this guy was 5-2-1 like me is beyond rational thought.
Match 2-0, Record 6-2-1

I check the standings after the last round and see that I finished in 28th place. I was disappointed that I couldn’t have turned one of my draws or losses into a win and bashed my way into the top 16, but overall I’m extremely pleased with my performance. The deck itself did incredibly well considering how many mulligans I took (I believe I averaged 1 per match) and the fact that I kept 2 starting hands that I had no business keeping. I did finish better than Jerry Thompson and Patrick Chapin (both of whom were playing net decks). I also had the good fortune of playing against a lot of really great guys. It’s always nice to avoid the douche bags at these big events. Feel free to ask any questions you might have about the tournament or my deck. Thanks for reading!


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